Finding Inspiration & Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving Blog 2024

By Sina Adibi, Chief Executive Officer, Adaptive Clinical Systems
Challenged to Think Outside the Box
An interesting thing happened to me at SCDM this year. I was inspired to do even more. For more than 10 years, I have attended, sponsored, exhibited, been a speaker or chaired a session. This year as I was reconnecting with friends and colleagues, we were discussing the opportunities that SCDM was bringing forward with the keynotes and new programming. The keynote speaker was from a non-profit organization that focuses on women’s health – the Society for Women’s Health Research. Kathryn G. Schubert, President & CEO, urged us to consider how we can leverage science to influence policy and create meaningful change. “You all hold the power, and the key is in the data to help us make women’s health mainstream.” The challenge was to think outside the box.
Then, the closing session, Finding Tomorrow – How Science and a Bake Sale Partnered to Change the Course of a Terminal Disease, also had so much inspiration with Mark Dant, Founder and Volunteer Executive Director of the Ryan Foundation said:
“Your goal is to treat the data; your mission is to treat the patient.”
“You work with data, and this brings hope. Please remember to look beyond and see the patients waiting for something to change.”
As we at Adaptive Clinical look back on the year, we are excited that we have helped clients with thinking creatively. We have created new connections for trial oversight and additional new EHR integrations.

"Your goal is to treat the data...

Your mission is to treat the patient."

-Mark Dant, Founder and Volunteer Executive Director of the Ryan Foundation

"You work with data, and this brings hope. Please remember to look beyond and see the patients waiting for something to change."

-Mark Dant, Founder and Volunteer Executive Director of the Ryan Foundation
Giving Back
We had the opportunity to share the importance of planning and executing a data hub for clinical trials through an educational workshop at the DIA Global Meeting. At SCDM, I chaired a panel on practical applications for AI in clinical trials. A standing room only presentation, I had an impressive panel of industry data and project managers sharing their insights on how they are utilizing AI in their work every day. I had so many compliments on how our panel inspired others to think more broadly about how to add AI to their everyday work.
As we strive to contribute to our industry advancements, we also continue to contribute socially and locally to encourage the advancement of the younger generation to pursue a career in our field. Indeed, in some cases some of the most rewarding work I find is my mentoring work for in-need students at my alma mater, Temple University, through the Owl-2-Owl mentoring program or the scholarship donations to Venice (FL) High School students. Our team has lots of interests. From local arts, wildlife, developmental programs for children or feeding the hungry, our team feels empowered to make a difference.
Our Chief Revenue Officer volunteers and donates to support the Astro Foundation, an animal welfare organization in Oakdale, CA. Since their founding in 2012, Astro has rescued over 10,000 companion animals and operates no-kill shelters for both dogs and cats. We hope you feel empowered to do more.
Giving Thanks
In addition to these great educational and networking opportunities at national conferences, Adaptive Clinical added new strategic partners, like TransPerfect’s Trial Interactive and ANJU. We continued to advance our patent-pending, AI enabled applications that simplify and improve the work of data scientists in their everyday activities.
Thank you for a wonderful year and for working with us in our mission to improve data interoperability and share new insights into data science. In 2025, we are doing more to volunteer to continue to promote and educate the value of data science and foster new educational opportunities with SCDM and DIA. As you look to the new year, find what inspires you, and share it with others. I think it will bring more to you than you realize. We look forward to working with you in the coming year.

Thank you for a wonderful year and for working with us in our mission to improve data interoperability

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