Guidelines for Using AI in Data Interoperability for Clinical Trials

By Eftim Pop-Lazarov, CTO and Chief AI Product Officer, Adaptive Clinical Systems
Nearly two years ago, Adaptive Clinical initiated the process for patents for its AI-enabled interoperability to the Adaptive eClinical Bus® enabling it to expand existing service levels with new automation. This includes patent-pending technologies for Automated Data Integration, Data Mapping and FDA-compliant Documentation Generation.
As a part of this effort, we have also been writing blogs on a series of topics about the use of AI in clinical research. This work has now evolved into a new eBook, The Future of Data: Guidelines for Using AI in Data Interoperability for Clinical Trials

AI and Data Tools are Changing Clinical Trials

As I note in the eBook, clinical trials are hard. They take time, money, and a lot of effort. Over the years, I’ve seen how AI and tools like data management software can help. They don’t just make things faster. They fix real problems with clinical data and help trials run smoother.
Each chapter gives tips and examples you can use. You’ll learn how clinical research data management and data analysis can save time and improve results. My goal is to spark ideas and show new ways to tackle challenges in clinical trials. I hope you find something useful to apply in your own efforts.
To read the free ebook, and to find 6 Simple Steps to get Started with AI, click here.
We look forward to your feedback and discussing how data integration and data interoperability can help data scientists help clinical trials research.





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