Adaptive Clinical Systems is excited to participate in this year’s CBI Imaging in Clinical Trials Summit. This year’s topics are focused on leveraging imaging data to optimize clinical trials and navigate the regulatory submission process.  As participant’s, the top reasons to attend include:

  1. Explore key elements in protocol design with imaging as an endpoint
  2. Investigate new technologies that can support requirements and drug approval
  3. Review the FDA released guidance, identify data requirements and learn what to keep in mind for 2017
  4. Uncover benefits of bringing in the core lab early in the planning stages
  5. Examine standards that can enable efficient collection, transference and interpretation of imaging data
  6. Discuss optimal processes for reader selection and training

We invite you to join us and benefit from real-world presentations covering best practices for imaging protocol, criteria and methodology, key considerations for designing a trial with imaging endpoints, updates on FDA draft guidance, innovative technologies that could solve current challenges, and strategies that support regulatory submission.

Conference Date and Location:

CBI imaging in clinical trials

MARCH 30-31, 2017

To arrange a private discussion, please contact:

Mitch Collins
Chief Revenue Officer
Adaptive Clinical
T: 856-473-4370
M: 646-872-8290