Adaptive Clinical Systems has always held a passion for improved clinical trial data integration and interoperability. This passion is shared among researchers and clinical trial operations alike, but often for different reasons. Some see improved interoperability as a means to positively impact operations and run clinical trials more efficiently – thus increasing the speed of trials and go-to-market practices. Others emphasize the potential for cleaner and more accurate data.
When reading “Building Learning Health Systems to Accelerate Research and Improve Outcomes of Clinical Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries”, an article from PLOS Medicine, we’re presented with even loftier long-term aspirations of optimizes interoperability. Here, the authors focus is on ensuring that the changes in healthcare coverage, quality, and impact are more readily identified in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). The article points out that there are “difficulties generalizing the evidence from efficacy trials with restrictive enrolment criteria in high-income countries (HIC) to the realities of LMIC, where diagnostic, therapeutic, and skilled human resources are limited. Furthermore, even when good evidence is produced, it can take many years for clinicians and policy makers to act upon new knowledge.”
The article adds, “These problems are particularly acute in LMIC that have the greatest burden of health care need and limited resources with which to address those needs. Health systems may therefore waste resources and deliver poor outcomes.” Clearly there is opportunity for improvement in clinical trial interoperability today.
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About Adaptive Clinical
Adaptive Clinical Systems offers a unique, simple, secure, validated, compliant, and cost-effective innovative solution for clinical data integration and interoperability. The cloud-based innovative Adaptive eClinical Bus® solution integrates clinical study data from multiple systems and platforms — EDC, eCOA, CTMS, Medical Imaging, IRT, analytical/data visualization systems and others — to ensure accurate and efficient transfer of clinical data for any study of any complexity while going well beyond simple and difficult to scale integration to full, real-time interoperability.
The award-winning Adaptive eClinical Bus software includes “connectors” for many leading clinical trial software tools from well-known vendors such as Omnicomm, Medidata, BioClinica, and Clinical Conductor to open source clinical trial tools such as OpenClinica and Clinovo. Connectors can also leverage internally-developed and proprietary systems and help customers retain their competitive edge. Adaptive Clinical’s eClinical Bus® can easily integrate technology into an interoperable, efficient, and accurate clinical trials system that streamlines processes and improves data reliability and offers the freedom to choose the best eClinical tools of any third-party or proprietary systems while enjoying all the benefits of a fully integrated system.
To learn how Adaptive Clinical Systems can help improve the interoperability of your clinical trials, click here.